Develop your own students to be teachers in your OWN studio who already know YOUR studio culture
Building a strong foundation for the future and nurturing the growth of your team is imperative to a successful team of teachers. As studio owners, you can equipe them with the tools and knowledge they require to be successful, strong and independent leaders in the classroom. By investing in your team, you are empowering them to progress their students and handle challenges independently without having to micro manage their every move.
Dance Apprentice 1.0
Dance Apprentice 2.0

Are your teachers retaining your students with engaging and effective teaching strategies?

Are you always on the hunt for good teachers in your school?

Do you hate trying to find replacement teachers when being cancelled on at the last minute?
Get The Dance Apprentice in Your School Now!

How our programs can help you!
Easy to use online learning and assessment portal
Monthly Training meetings
Build studio values and culture in your school with your own students
A dance studio relevant teacher training program

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